
[This was actually going to be a tweet, but I thought, why not?]

Maybe this comes with age... if I can call my condition that, but I have home possession fever. God! I want a home/house. 

I should probably preface this by confessing that my current sbwl (amongst many of them... the one I feel strongly about) is settling/being(feeling) settled. And that looks like a job in a specific place for a reasonable amount of time, where I can see projects come to fruition, improve on them, build work relations, get pay raises etc. And if I am going to live in one place for a long time, then ama buy a home nearby. 

So I guess to me, feeling settled comes with having a home. 'Why not a rental?' I don't know. 

So in my fantasies, this home is many things...;

  1.  A flat 

In those up-and-coming neighbourhoods (think gentrification) where young couples live. A cute two-bed and two bathrooms (for visitors)... next to amenities and a Hyde Park-type park. Ideally, some floors up and with working lifts, and it is a new build (but not with the shoddy quality they seem to be made nowadays). But what if one of my neighbours is a chain smoker, and the smoke gets to me through the vents? And flats are just...a lot hangs on the management and the type of people that wind up living there... soo...

2. A house 

I have to say my favourite option. If the world was still what it was before things got economically shite, maybe I could do one, and then when I am more mature...I move on to two. I am not holding my breath though. 

So this house...well, this neighbourhood is quiet, with parking on the driveways so that the roads are open and don't have the claustrophobic feeling you get with the doggy postcode ones. You'd think I grew up with money...snobby little poor rat. Anyway...detached... all the houses are detached. The yards are massive, with huge front and back garden spaces. And because middle-aged people live here... it's quiet, but we have a community centre with events and all of that. Here my house could be considered sprawling...unnecessarily huge. All the bedrooms, all the bathrooms, the conservatory, the cellar... the scullery... everything. 

Again we have the park - with a huge lake this time around. There are one or two coffee shops about, but nothing I'd deem artisan, and we are quite a drive from a supermarket and train station as these types of places often are, but I don't mind it because I am upper middle class or something...oooh dreams 😏 

But then I think... if it is just me (orrr maybe a partner), then why do I need so much space... then I just say... perhaps a smaller version of the house above. 

Anyway, this blog post was inspired by the fact that I actually saw said house today, and I am deciding to keep my dream alive (mortgages are the stuff of the real world, so I shall not taint my fantasies with them). 

A short walk away from my dream neighbourhood was a spa place for my upper-middle-class shandies. Further off was a park with a manor (where I could have been living during the Victorian era), orrr could be my wedding venue in this time period. So many permutations... the beauty of dreams. 

Lol, this park is so close to work (literally two minutes away), so the bottom line is I should walk more...especially with so much sun about. 

said house in said neighbourhood

Anyway, wishing you all and myself a bountiful, restful and sunny bank holiday xx

PS: Book recommendation for all you cultured girlies; Moral Disorder and Other Stories - Margaret Atwood. I listened to the audiobook, of course. I thoroughly enjoyed it and could see myself (my current self and future self) in most of the stories. I even wanted to read analytical essays written about it. 


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