

I am doing this during a workday because I am tired. God, I am tired! I had a long full weekend and before that, I was working for seven days straight. I am incredibly tired.

I think heavy in the mix is also end of year fatigue. We have been at it since January, non-stop, all day every day. Why is life so exhausting? It is not like I would rather be dead, but this is relentless. On most days I have positivity to throw at it, but today ke lapile man. 

So many things require my attention, and I am only one person. Lol, imagine a parent saying this.... Anyway, I will have to get through this week as I must, then do it all again next week. 

I am at the part of my specialty application where I have to input the white space answers and I am just here like...really?? And Oriel does not save previous applications, so I have to come up with fresh stuff. Normally, my passion just shines through the words but today my mind feels really constipated. Is this a sign that I am doing the wrong thing? Or am I just so out of that I can barely think of anything to write about my love for paediatrics?

Also, my other 'uniform' trousers went missing in the theatre lockers, do you know how inconvenient all that is to me? And traffic is just too much sometimes.  I am also a little bit thirsty. I am just tired and maybe a little lazy. I am going to do some work for an hour and go home. All days can't be rosy daisy and rainbows. Having the worst KitKat of my life - *internal scream *

This is so negative...I am so whiny...oh well. 

Hope the week only get better from here x

The blurriness is exactly how I feel, but I thought it a beautiful prayer :) 


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