I bought a microwave.

 Things are changing and they are not waiting for me to...like... I don't know. 

Anyway, hello guys. What it do bo babyyy?

 Okay, let us do this;

I am an F2 doctor now. Finally got my GMC registration so... yeah congratulate me, thank you. 

I am no longer working the COVID emergency rota, restful I guess, bad financially, well not bad but not good.

I am not working on-calls either, unless I sign up for bank shifts (for the next four months at least). A whole series of things that could leave me in an awkward financial state...but alas...movement. 

Aaaannnndddd.... drumroll...I have started living on my own. From today basically, hence the microwave. I bought a microwave, kitchen towels, knives and Godknowswhat. I really have been over-reliant on my housemate. If she was the type she would have made a thread about me haha. So yeah, I live alone. She lives on her own as well, we couldn't find a house that suited us both, so I stayed and she left. Her new apartment is so beautiful, and so close to the hospital, I am jealous. I wonder if deep down I am low-key mad at her for leaving me. I don't think so but...I don't know.

I have always wanted to live alone, always, always - if you know me that is the thing I have always wished upon myself. Ohh the peace of living alone, you feel light, unencumbered, it is truly refreshing and...expensive. Honestly at this point I can only hope that my savings/budget/income will touch the hem of Jesus' robe. I have a good feeling about all this, but good feelings are sometimes just that, good feelings of things that never materialise. The long and short of it; I live alone, I am happy, I may or may not suffer financially because of this. My thing is; it is a short-term contract anyway, if it gets too hot I shall leave the kitchen or get a housemate.

I am very happy about this. I was wondering if this will make me feel even more lonely/isolated. I have failed incredibly at making friends at work. I just can't make anything stick...the ones that were getting real are moving away. So yeah, we shall see. ** Manifesting two - three close(ish) friends that I can do #brunchvibes with and go on trips with.** They have to be local, can't always be travelling to vibe bathong.  

That is my post, short and sweet. I have been well,  I hope you guys are doing okay too. 

Love and light, 



I typed this on the 28th of August, that is the day we were informed of Chadwick Boseman's death. It made me sad, truly. I am forever grateful to him for getting me into Marvel movies. I absolutely love Guardians of the Galaxy movies, hilarious movies, just beautiful. He meant a whole lot more to a lot of people especially the black community. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. 💙


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