I just finished a book.

At the start I wanted to name my blog posts after songs. It turns out I don't know enough songs lol or I am just really lazy today...

Hello bo beloveds,

Is it self absorbed to have a blog and not write anything that benefits no one? I mean it's entertainment for all ten of you but still. What is the point? This will be one of those posts that don't make sense. Maybe I am a little sad because my baby just left to go back home.

'21 lessons for the 21st century' is a really interesting book. It talks about where we are now as humans, 'the future', a lot of artificial-intelligence-biotech stuff, touches a lot on liberalism, choice, the self, religion and history. I loved it actually, Yuval is an exceptional author. He long had me at Sapiens. Do I understand all of it ? No. That isn't the point; a few of my perceptions have been challenged. I learn that Hitler committed suicide and I have a vague idea of what liberalism and nationalism are and that is more than enough for me. It is a solid four and a half out of five. Totes recommend. It made me a little angry at religion and faith but that is a recurring theme...so nothing new.

Where am I in life? Why must I be somewhere? Consciousness is so exhausting. Not in a bad way. I promise, I am fine.

I work a lot of unsocial hours and long shifts - I have more money now. Lo and behold, the Lord answers prayers. What to do with it? Probably save it, buy more kitchen stuff and maybe a few clothes. I hate that I am going through a phase where I hate/love myself: I wanna radically change my wardrobe, my hair and God knows what else. It's a very exhausting space, I hope I snap out of it soon. Or make reasonable changes that aren't fuelled by weird negative vibes. I should probably start exercising to be honest - that always helps.

I miss my old Instagram self. I really don't know what happened there. I am still feeling the same emotions and having the same vibes to an extent, but I just can't share it the way I used to. It is high-key sad, I wonder what took away my confidence or whatever that was. Maybe I got fixated on a certain 'type of content' and whatever else they say to explain that I was probably not my true self on there and I couldn't keep up the facade for long. Yuval said there is no such thing as a 'true self', so that is also that.

I kinda wanna update my blog/website. I want a like button, and a widget where I upload my library, just make it more interactive and add a little bit more pink. Navigating Wix or Squarespace is a lot. I do not possess the tenacity nor the patience. I also don't want to lose my already uploaded stuff so there is also that. Anyway, if you know a person who knows a person...please plug me.

Otherwise I am honestly well, probably a seven out of ten overall. It is a very arbitrary score, I can't break it down but I feel like it is all encompassing. The future is a scary place, I have lost enough sleep over it. I shall remain hopeful but I am not going to think about it too much at this point.

Love and light, (remember to keep the hope alive and follow the advice from the health people)



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