untitled #4

Things are pretty interesting. Genuinely. I just got back from Tesco and there was no pasta, no canned soup, no tuna...nothing (exaggeration for effect but honestly the shelves were empty). And well...what can you do? Interesting times.

I don't know, I wasn't really bothered (bothered like 'ahhh we are all going to die') by it for some reason. My background training giving me false hope? Probably. It was when I heard that electives were cancelled for final year medical students that my heart sunk. Imagine not going for your electives. That is sad sad man. Also just looking at things now, it's starting to get panicky and very-disruptive-of-normal-daily-living. Bad vibes.

At work things are normal but not really. So many rearrangements, a lot of barrier nursing, so many update emails about corona virus this and that. It's a lot. Ish. The interesting development is that we might not be moving to our next rotations end of March. Again, really not the worst that could happen. I really love paediatrics. I love kids, I love being their doctor, I love seeing them get better, I hate taking bloods from them, I hate it when they are uncooperative and cry for no apparent good reason, and when their parents have 'unreasonable' expectations - but I love kids. I wanna be their doctor. I have loved-hated, mostly loved my last three months in the department. I'd happily come back. I love my decisiveness when it comes to career stuff - sensational. The job as a junior doctor has been rather dull, most days anyway, a lot of admin work and observation and not the best pay. However, it seems my heart is set on the colourful corridors of paediatric wards. Also, for the record - I have loved working regular hours and no weekends. Have I done anything with my weekends and my evenings? No, but still.

What else to tell you guys...

Ummmm well, I turn twenty-five in a few days. Surprisingly, I have no weird feelings about my birthday(yet). Is this the wisdom that comes with age ? Lol, maybe. Or maybe I am getting ahead of myself and the feels will hit me like something else in a few days.  Headspace app mentioned something about how exhausting it is to wish things were different in the mind...maybe I am just accepting things as they are. I am twenty five and I have no fridge, no driver's license and I won't be with my family on the 'big day' and that is just what it is.

I went home before the corona virus business got too serious. Home is so healing for the girl. I love the love that my family give me. I love how I easily I fit back in with my family. Even if it is for short period of time. I love annoying my little brother and being the biggest adult-baby ever. My new favourite thing was mentioning the fact that I am now jolling to everyone every other second, I felt alive. I just love home man. The country was beautiful and green... there was a bit of rain. It just felt like where I needed to be. I shall skip on all the negatives but they were there. Headspace app again; acceptance is not apathy.

Not much improvement in the field of diet and exercise. *mentions something I read from Headspace*

I am on my second book of the year, so not all is lost. I will share my library with you guys soon.

And lastly; guys, my grandmas did the things! Ke jola gore guys! Wow! Nna, myself. I never thought I'd see the day. *gets overwhelmed by emotions* Wow hey! I just wanna say the Lord is good and His mercies are new every morning. Let the church say Amen! Guys. Guys! I am happy! Content. Wow! Wow hey. Yaah no life is good when you are jolling. Aghh guys...my heart. I just... words are just not enough.

Anyway guys,

Thanks for coming back.

Love and light ( honestly love and light for real - these are difficult times man)



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