A week in the life...


Now that I have made this public, I have no content at all. Lol. The great plight of a creative, not that I am one. I sometimes read a blog and think, 'what a lazy blog post', I am afraid this post is going to be one of those. It is very difficult to be umm...say... I don't know...basically I am not that sad anymore. My mood is good, I have been dancing, running and receiving good news so there really isn't much to say.

This week has been good, attended all my shifts (so weird that I am this person that misses school because of no reason at all, I don't do it often, but still, first year me would be shook), learnt so much. I love learning, I love my course so much, I also just love my hospital. I can't write about patients so...but you know there are patients you encounter and think, 'wow, life can be a lot'. For those patients I always think of Foy Vance's Two Shades Of Hope, a beautiful sad piece. It really can be a lot, so hold on to each and hold on to yourselves. My greatest fear (I wouldn't say greatest, but it is a niggle-y thought) is that I am gonna be an old lady that lives alone and has no one to take her to the hospital...but that is only if I stay here forever.

I got good news, I got my Academic Foundation training spot (road to professorship is that you? ). I mean I got a rejection from the Manchester deanery, I am sad but not that sad. I got my second choice and that is fine by me. The application process caused me so much self doubt and anxiety, factoring my ranking as well...I just made a leap and here we are now, by luck or God's grace. It is a really nice self realisation moment. Our fridge finally works (well it has been replaced), so I am going to be eating fresh veggies to come nice, my skin gonna be blinding.  I also replaced my wine glass so 'we gonna be drinking the wines'.

I think the most proud achievement of the week is spending way less time on my phone (don' t ask what I have been doing on my phone for five hours a day, even I don't know). I personally don't believe deactivating social media or that it is a sign of maturity. However, from deleting the apps (just downloaded Twitter; 'same besetting sins'), I feel I  have wasted less time this week, been more present and 'consumed less rubbish' I guess. So I feel good about that. And I guess the plus of that was that I was able to put in a steady amount of studying. Gym is still a distant dream, slowly fading but hey you can't win them all, right ? (You probably can, but for purposes of this post let us say you can't). I have also found out that my exams are in twelve weeks, not fourteen like I thought so that is that on that.

Just normal life at the moment, sorry it's just average.
Love and light x


  1. i love this one more.
    You are doing what you love thats awesome and you are about to be done,ill have a friend doctor niiice..

    Social media just wastes time, i agree i just downloaded my twitter as well now i am just on the phone always,whats app i can ignore or not even subscribe so i do not get tempted.It helps that i am broke almost all the time.

    i miss life before phones maan..


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